The University of Georgia
Student Government Association
March 16, 1993
I. Call to Order
II. Open Forum
III. Roll Call
IV. Officers' Reports
A. President's Report-Appointments to Budget Committee
B. Vice-President's Report-Meeting for next Quarter
C. Pro Tem's Report-Absences
D. Treasurer's Report
E. Secretary's Report-Elections Sub-Committee
V. Committee Chair Reports
A. Student Life
B. Academic Affairs
C. Internal Affairs
D. Student's Rights
V1. Old Business
A. Second Reading of Bill 5-10
B. Second Reading of Bill 5-12
VII. New Business
A. Letter to Food Services
VIII. Announcements
Ix. Adjournment
Tate Student Center
Athens, Georgia 3o6O2-34oi - (7o6) 542-8584
An Equal Opportunity/Affu-tnative Action Institution