The University of Georgiia
Student Government Msoclation
March 16, 1993
The meeting was called to order at 8:10.
Under Roll Call, Senators Greg Bell, Jeff Hancock, David Hong, Meghan
McCarthy, Alex Panos, Ansley Paulsen, William Perry, Scott Trantham,
Jason Williams, and Victoria Young were absent.
Because of the lack of quorum, no business could be voted on by the
Under President's Report, President John Bradberry appointed
Nathan Ballard and Christine Hayes to the Student Activity Fee Allocations
Under Vice-President's Report, Vice-President Ashley Disque
announced that the first meeting for spring quarter will be Tuesday, April
6, 1993 at 8:00.
Under Pro Tem's Report, Richard Martin, III stated that senators will
be expelled for excessive absences, and a meeting will be held next quarter
to discuss the changes to the SGA Constitution.
Under Secretary's Report, Andy Vanlandingham asked that current
members that will not be seeking reelection to volunteer for the Elections
Under Academic Affairs, Chair Leigh Christi Smith asked for
volunteers for the input day during Drop/Add for student input concerning
Drop/Add and registration.
Sandra Van Meek, the SGA appointee to the Athletic Association
Board of Directors, was allowed to address the senate. She expressed her
frustration and her disappointment in her treatment on the committee.
She complained that the members of the committee do not notify her of
the meetings and that the Directors do not solicit student input on issues
that affect the UGA student body such as the Jacksonville Decision
concerning the GA/FLA game. She also asked that SGA focus more
attention of the activities of the Board of Directors.
Discussion of the topic concerning the Athletic Association Board of
Directors was held within the senate.
President John Bradberry presented a letter that he will be sending
to the Director of Food Services concerning the staff of that department for
maintaining regular hours during the snow storm.
Due to the consensus of the senate, senators with excessive absences
should be expelled by the Pro Tem.
The Senate was adjourned at 8:35.