-Academic Affairs committee member Alex Panos reviewed
the projects being done by the committee. Such projects include
Quarter/Semester conversion and the Teacher Evaluations project.
Nathan Ballard thanked members of the senate for volunteering their
time for the input day concerning Drop/Add.
-A second reading was held for Bills 5-10 and 5-12. Richard
Martin read Bill 5-10 concerning Election procedures of senators.
Senator Alex Panos argued a pro to the Bill, stating the process allows
for more participation from the student body. Senator William Perry
argued a con to the Bill, stating that the bill would nullify the need
for class standings. Senator Jason Bennett argued in support of the
bill to allow students to vote for people they know that may be in
more than one class. The bill was voted on and the Bill passed 18-6.
There was concern that the amendment to the bylaws did not have
quorum, so the vote was recast and recorded. The bill received
-Senator Alex Panos reread Bill 5-12 concerning teacher
evaluations. Senator William Perry proposed a friendly amendment.
Academic Affairs Committee members Holly Harrelson and Jason
Bennett explained the bill and endorsed the bill. The Bill was
accepted with amendments (see Bill 5-12).
-A Resolution was presented and motioned for urgency. The
resolution concerned the security of the Russell/Brumby Parking
Deck. The Resolution was passed with amendments (see Resolution
from April 6, 1993--number will be assigned).
-Vice-President Ashley Disque read the procedures for the
expulsion of senators. The senators will be given a week to present
their case to the senate. At this time it was announced that the
senate will meet next week.
-John Bradberry announced that senator of the year awards
will be coming up soon.
-Andy announced that Shawna Hirata may attend next weeks
-Richard Martin, Jay Gemes, and Leigh Christi Smith announced
brief meetings to establish a meeting time of the rest of the quarter.
-Russ asked that senators meet him after the meeting.
-Ashley announced meetings every Tuesday during the
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50.