Student Government Association
SGA Senate Meeting
Secretary: Andrew Vanlandingham
April 13, 1993
The meeting was called to order at 8:10.
Under Open Forum, Adam Goldstein announced a new program on
campus called Walk-aBout UGA. He explained that the program was designed to
allow students on campus to pair up with administrators on campus to walk
around campus and discuss problems at the university.
Chris Grant, Coordinator of the Graduate Student Association, announced
a leadership forum Friday, April 30. He welcomed members of the SGA to
Under Roll Call, Senators Sherri Chambers, David Hong, William Perry
and Leigh Christi Smith were absent.
Under President's Report, President John Bradberry announced that
interviews will be held for the Athletic Association and Arch Society selection
committee. He also detailed the progress of the recycling poster to be placed
on campus.
Under President's Report, Senator Greg Bell spoke on behalf of PR
Director Lynn Sullivan and announced that the PR committee will be
disbanded due to the lack of participation of the senators and their lack of
input on the newsletter. GCM Andy Byars detailed the progress of the SGA
display booth in the Tate Center.
Russ Willard, Elections Subcommittee Chair, announced the names of
proposed members of the committee to be confirmed by the Senate. The list
included William Perry, Victoria Young, Andrew Vanlandingham, Chris Grant,
Stephanie Ware, Blake White, and David Douglas. Other names were included
but were withdrawn at the request of those persons. Russ announced that bus
card and advertisements in the Red And Black.
There was no report from the Vice-President.
Under Pro Tem's Report, Richard J. Martin, 111, announced the senators
that are subject to expulsion. The procedure included a two minute speech by
the senator, with discussion by the senate and then voted by the Senate.
Under Secretary's Report, Andy Vanlandingham announced the
delegates to SAC- Lynn Sullivan, Christine Hayes, James Burroughs, David
Douglas, Scott Trantham and Andy Vanlandingham.
Under Committee Reports:
Student Life Chair Jay Gemes read a letter received by him from the
Director of the SEC concerning the student seating at SEC football games. It
was reported that Athletic Director Vince Dooley changed his vote, stating that
he could not vote against the students at UGA. Jason Williams reported the
progress of a memorial for Jenny Stone. He reported that a scholarship and a
memorial will be presented on campus, due to the work of the Stone Family and
a friend of Jenny Stone. Jay announced a Student Life committee after the SGA
Academic Affairs member Alex Panos reported that members of the
committee will be contacting the Deans of the Schools and Colleges concerning
the SGA Teacher Evaluation Bill.
Tate Student Center
Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 * (7o6) 542-8584
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution