SGA Senate Meeting
Secretary: Andrew Vanlandingham
May 4, 1993
Meeting was called to order at 8:15.
Under Roll Call, Senators Nathan Balllard, Tracy Baker, Ansley Paulsen,
Leigh Christi Smith, and Jason Williams were absent.
Under President's Report, President John Bradberry will appoint
candidates for the Athletic Association next week. Julie Mickle presented the
final Recycling Poster that will be distributed on campus. John asked for
assistance in distributing the posters.
The senate will vote on senator of the year if there is quorum is reached
during the meeting.
John introduced the topic of the inauguration of the new senate.
Andrew Vanlandingham introduced the idea of having the inauguration at
Tate Plaza to allow the campus to see the swearing in of the new senators and
president and vice-president. The idea was to encourage SGA to be more
visible after the election. The senate came to no conclusion concerning the
idea. Discussion was held on the issue anyway. More discussion will be held
under new business.
Sandra Van Meek, announced that she will attend the Athletic
Association Board of Directors meeting at St. Simons Island over the weekend.
Lynn Sullivan said that a new newsletter will be ready for next weeks
The senate voted for senator of the year. Nominees for the award were:
Jay Gemes, William Perry, Julie Mickle, Victoria Young, Greg Bell, Richard
Martin, Alex Panos, and Andy Vanlandingham. The senate voted and the award
will be presented during the inauguration.
Under Vice-President's Report, Vice-President Ashley Disque presented
the idea for the next student handbook.
Under Committee Reports:
Academic Affairs member Alex Panos announced that the finalized
format of the teacher evaluations form will be available next week.
Under Old Business:
Senator William Perry presented the Miss UGA bill for a second reading.
The bill was passed unanimously.
Senator William Perry also presented some of the final ideas for the
amendments to the Constitution. Some ideas included the elimination of the
Freshmen Senate and forming a Freshmen Caucus to serve as a non-voting
advisory group. He also presented an idea of eliminating the Graduate
positions to establish a Graduate advisory board. And with the changes new
number of senators would be a total of 50 senators. The Freshman senators
objected to the concept, while Graduate Student Association Coordinator, Chris
Grant endorsed the graduate plan. The discussion then focused on the election
time, allowing a the new administration to present a budget. Russ Willard
stated that the constitution should allow for an earlier election.
Under New Business:
Senator Vanlandingham reintroduced the idea for the inauguration
plans. He objected to the idea of a banquet and the idea of spending a large
amount of money. The discussion moved to the problems of the expense. It was
resolved the president would make the final decision with input from the
interested parties'.