SGA Senate Meeting
Secretary: Andrew Vanlandingham

April 27, 1993

Under Open Forum, Dr. Pannell from the Geography department addressed the Senate. Dr. Pannell presented the Student Government Association with the guidelines concerning the changes to academic dishonesty cases. He explained the purpose of the committee appointed by the Vice-President of Academic Affairs, the work and members of the committee and the committees overall goal to improve academic dishonesty cases. Professor Bomer assisted Dr. Pannell with the presentation. Dr. Pannell outlined the goal for the changes as to increase faculty participation in such cases, and to increase the overall academic integrity of the university. Recommendations by the committee include lesser proof of cheating and punishment for dishonesty being an automatic 'F.' Dr. Pannell answered questions from the senate.
Russ Willard announced that a University Council meeting at 3:30 on May 27 at Law School, and asked all interested senators to attend to discuss this matter with members of the council before they vote on the issue of academic dishonesty.
Chris Grant, coordinator of the Graduate Student Association announced a guest speaker on Friday at 7:30 in room 140 Tate Center. The guest speaker from Florida State will be speaking on the subject of student activism.
Adam Goldstein announced an extention for applications for Walk-about UGA and explained the program. The program includes a walk with administrators on campus to discuss problems with the university.
Under Roll Call, Senators Anne Bioty, Sherri Chambers, David Hong, Richard Martin 111, Alex Panos, Ansley Paulsen, and Leigh Christi Smith were absent from the meeting.
Under President's Report, Jay Gemes reported for President John Bradberry who was absent.
Under Vice-President's Report, Vice President Ashley Disque announced that there will be a meeting next Tuesday night.
Under Secretary's Report, Secretary Andrew Vanlandingham updated the senate on the last weekend's SAC conference. Injuries were sustained by William Perry and Andy Vanlandingham during a VSC sponsored ooze ball tournament. He also announced that Lynn Sullivan would be organizing the SAC newsletter during the summer.
William Perry, former Chair of SAC reported on the accomplishments of this year;s conference. He also announced that Senator James E. Burroughs, Jr. was elected as the new Chair of the Student Advisory Council.
Under Student Life Committee, Chair Jay Gemes presented Julie Mickle, who read a letter from Dr. Douglas concerning the parking deck safety resolution. Jay also asked for year end reports from senators and asked for help in distributing flyers for the escort van.
Under Internal Affairs Committee, Andy announced that members of the committee meet to set a meeting time.
Under Elections Subcommittee, Russ announced the work of the committee, such as the changing of the ballot, and the guidelines for candidates.