The Studcnt Goveniment Associ2tion
January 26, 1993
At 8:00, the Senate was called to order.
Senators Tamara Brawner and Christine Hayes were absent and
unexcused. Senators Victoria Young, William Perry, and Blake
White were absent and excused.
Ashley Disque was sworn in as Vice-President of the Student
Government Association.
Under President's Repo , John Bradberry explained to the
Senate the circumstances of the resignation of former Vice-President
Shawna Hirata. President Bradberry suggested that the dress code to
the Senate meetings be dropped.
John appointed Julie Mickle to the Instructional Oversight
Committee and Kevin Schweers to the Josiah Meigs Award
John introduced Adam Goldstein who wants to conduct a
survey of the leadership of the SGA. John introduced an idea of a
working retreat for the Senate.
President Bradberry also asked that students interested in
serving on the Student Activity Allocations committee to contact him.
Under Vice-President's Repo , Ashley Disque announced the
vacancy for Pro Tem of the Senate and the opening of the Junior
Senate seat. She announced a special meeting on Feb. 2 to fill the Pro
Tern vacancy. Ashley also asked that senate members not interested
in reelection next year should contact the new Pro Tem after next
week to serve on the elections sub-committee.
Under SecretaU'Lftoq, Andy needed to see the SAC
delegates for updates on the agenda for the SAC Conference on Feb.
6. He also announced the computer networking project that was being
co-ordinated though SAC.
Under Committee Reports:
-Student Life Chair, Jay Gemes announced the survey
concerning the GA/FLA game in Jacksonville. The survey will be
conducted on Thursday, Feb. 28. Jay asked for senators to volunteer
their time. The committees next meeting will be next Tuesday at