-Human Relations committee Chair Edwina Crump updated the committees work. She complained of the lack of attendance to the first meeting of the committee. The next committee meeting will be Feb. 10 at 7: 00 in Tate Center, room 140.
-Leigh Christi Smith reported for Academic Affairs Chair, Richard Martin, III[, who was in class during the meeting. She updated that the internship proposal, the semester-quarter conversion, the reduction of hours for graduation, and also a proposal concerning the lack of academic funding but the funding for campus beautification. Senator Panos introduced the formal proposal for the semester-quarter system. The proposal will be voted on at next Tuesdays special meeting. Senator Martin reiterated the proposals that were already mentioned.
-Andy Vanlandingharn reported for Student's Rights for the absent William Perry. Information for the new Constitution will be available later in the week.
Under New Business, the Senate approved the appointments made by President Bradberry. Senator Ware questioned the lack of information concerning appointments. President Bradberry assured the senators that more information will be provided concerning any other appointments.,
Vice-President Ashley Disque introduced the idea of moving the meeting time for next week to 6:00. Due to conflicts in the inability to find a acceptable time, Ashley sent the issue to the Internal Affairs Committee to assist in the decision. Senators were asked to give their schedules to help with the decision. With general consensus from the senate, the meeting for next Tuesday will be at 8:00.

- Nancy De Metz asked for volunteers for the Senior Gift phone-a-thon.
- Andy thanked Victoria Young and volunteers from the General Committee and the Arch Society for their participation at the Miss UGA pageant.

- Julie Mickle asked to meet with all freshman senators concerning the Freshman directory.
- John needs to appoint three people for a peer group and other appointments concerning a racial sensitivity group.