The University of Georgia
Student Goverrunent Association
February 23, 1993
The Senate was called to order at 8:07.
Under Roll Call. Senators Nathan Ballard, Christine Hayes, Meghan
McCarthy, Stephanie Ware, Blake White, and William Perry were absent.
Under President's Report,-
President John Bradbeffy distributed sheets that reported results from
the leadership report of the executive committee. He also reported on a
meeting with Dr. Knapp concerning student representatives on campus wide
John also reported on his trip to the legislature in lobbying for the
university's interest.
He reported about a handout from Dr. Hallenbeck concerning
university/community relations. John asked that Brian Cartwright and Tracy
Baker to represent the SGA on this committee. The Senate approved the
John updated the progress of the recycling project, the escort van, and
concerns about our budget.
John appointed Leigh Christi Smith new Academic Affairs chair. The
Senate approved.
Under Vice-President's Report:
Vice-President Ashley Disque asked for input on the handbook she
designed for the senate for next year.
Under Treasurer's Report:
Jeff Hancock reported on our current budget and stated that a physical
report will be available next week. Jeff Hancock resigned as Treasurer.
Under Secretary's Report-
Secretary Andy Vanlandingham. reminded senators about the absentee
policy. He also reported on office changes, such as a new bulletin board and
shelf. He asked that senators not put holes in the wall but utilize the new
bulletin boards in the offices. He thanked Julie Mickle for her poster that she
put in the office.
Under Committee Reports*
Student Life Chair, Jay Genies, reported on the progress of the escort
van service. He reported that more work was needed concerning how to
increase service and find an acceptable response time for student pickup. He
also announce that the resolution concerning SEC seating ruling must be
amended under Old Business. He set a permanent meeting time for the
committee on Tuesdays at 7:30. Jay also reported a last minute bill concerning
Athens-Clarke County from John Bradberry.
Under the committee, Senator Greg Bell updated the senate on the Public
Relations committee. The committee is planning a permanent area in Tate
Center to inform the student body on the work that SGA is doing.
Academic Affairs Chair, Leigh Christi Smith, did not have much to
report, having just been appointed as chair of the committee. She reported
that the committee is working on a permanent grievance project. She also
update a project for unifying class for all internships on campus to be
coordinate by the Career Placement Office.
Internal Affairs Chair, Richard Martin, distribute a uniform absence/
excuse form that will be available in the office. The reported that Tamara
Brawner has resigned from the senate, and that Walt Abbott has been expelled
Tate Student Center
Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 - (706)542-8584
An Equal Opportunity/Affirtnative Action Institution