October 5, 1993
Call to Order - at 7:30
Open Forum -
Adam Goldstein - would like to collect a list of issues Senators
want information on. once he has the list he will try to make a
list for us that has all of the information we want.
President's Report - Exec. meeting are every Monday at 10 am so
if you have to address the exec board feel free to stop by.
Don't be afraid to ask questions in general meetings, we are
trying to make the meetings have a comfortable air about them.
This past weekend Telvis and Ron attended the SEC at Univ. of
Miss., our school was one of 8 in attendance. Since the Machine
in Alabama no longer exists the other school are looking to us to
see how well our government is run. Sunday Oct. 10 is Better
Relations Day at the Univ. of Florida Telvis, Ron, and our Cultural Chair will represent our organization. Before the Ga. vs.
Auburn game we will host a Better Relations Day here.
Vice President's Report - Ron makes a motion to accept the senator committee appointments as seen on sheet. The motion is
seconded by Jay Gemes. During the trip to Univ. of Miss. Ron got
some ideas and hopes to see these ideas advance.
Treasurer's Report - The only new expense we have is for the
flight to Mississippi for Telvis and Ron. Jay hopes to have a
copy of the budget for the year to us by next week.
Secretary's Report - Stop by the office to pick up your minuites
for each week. If you have any suggestions or questions just let
me know.
Protemps' Report - Turn in excuse forms to Julie's box by Monday
mornings at 10 am. If you miss a meeting make sure you turn in
your excuse form even though it is late. Freshman election
information sheets are in boxes, please make sure you quote the
correct dates to freshman who are interested in running. Poll
boxes will be located at the Science Library, Brumby - Russel
parking lot and two will be at Tate.
Motion to Suspend the Rules was made so Andy Vanlandingham could
talk. Andy still needs help planning the SAC confrence that we
will host Nov.5 - 7. Thanks to Amy's help we have a place to
host the entertainment. Telvis and Andy would like to place a
buddy system into effect for the confrence. This will entail
students from here going to all of the events and getting to know