Call to Order at 7:30
Sarah Dick - She is planning a voter registration and wants
around 24 people to help. The Athens Clarke County will hold
elections November 2.
Andy Vanlandingham - There will be a SAC meeting next
Tuesday at 7 p.m.
ROLL CALL - Richard Martin and Matt Mayberry were absent.
PRESIDENTS' REPORT - UGA will host Auburn for our Better
Relations Day October 26. This is a day for students to
communicate thoughts about how their schools will react to the
upcoming game. This Thursday Adam Goldstein will be holding a
Coffee House Discussion to help inform all students about the
path they nee to take when trying to work on a project for SGA.
He will also talk about the power schedule in SGA. In our
committee meetings this week lets try to set some goals. We
should hopefully find a target project to work on and have some
information to tell the general committee by next week. Don't
forget that our meetings start at 7:30 so let's try to be on
time. Speaking on behalf of Adam Z., our Public Relations
chairman, all committee heads need to write an article for the
newsletter he is trying to put together. Lastly, I would like to
make a motion to appoint John Bradberry as our Athens-Clarke
County Commission representative.
John - His involvement in SGA for the past two years has
allowed him to work with the commission. He would like to
continue that by trying to make sure the laws that are passed are
in the student's best interest.
Telvis gets a second to his motion by Jay Gemes.
VICE PRESIDENTS' REPORT - Sunday Ron and Kimbley attended the
Better Relations Day at University of Florida. The focus of the
day was to secure student responsibility and conduct. Both
schools will be writing letters to their respective newspapers to
encourage the players, alumni and especially students
to respect both teams. Thursday at 4p.m. Dennis Watson will
speak in Ga. Hall for anyone who is interested.
TREASURERS' REPORT - Jay will have the budget by next week. If
anyone needs money allotted to their committee just talk to Jay
and he will see what he can work out.
SECRETARY'S REPORT - Just a reminder that you can pick up your