notes in your boxes. If you are late to the meetings please make sure you either send me a note with the time you came in or tell me after the meeting. I can not take notes and notice everyone that comes in late. If I don't hear from you then I will mark you absent.

PROTEMS' REPORT - Everyone is allotted two absences per year. That means that after your second absence you are subject to removal from the student government. If you are going to be absent make sure your excuse forms are into Julie's box by Monday mornings at 10 a.m. Excused absences include death in the family, test, or if you are sick. Other excuses will be discussed by exec. Thursday night at 7 p.m. the meeting for freshman elections will be held somewhere in Tate. Pleas sign up to help with the stamping and initialing of the campaign material. Next week I will need people to sign up to man the election tables.

Scott Toranto - SAC had a meeting before this one and they decided that there will be an Athens City wide scavenger hunt Friday night November 5. The hunt will probably be from 9 - 11. Hopefully we can get some of our students to help and participate.
Samford - Classic City Access which is a disability service is planning a protest in front of Compadres. Last year they had one in order to get wheelchair accessible ramps to their restaurant. Compadres was suppose to have this done by late September. If you have any questions call Peggy Polonus at 549 3712.

Ron asked for a motion to adjourn and one was given by the senate and seconded by Jay Gemes. The meeting was adjourned to committee meetings at 8 p.m.