II. Open Forum - Andy announced that he needed to meet with everyone interested in helping with the SAC Conference after the meeting. Adam, our Public Relations chair, announced that he hopes to have the first newsletter out by the beginning of November. He needs the committee chairs to submit information about their committee by next Tuesday, October 26. Adam also stated that he was available for press releases and other such items; if we had any questions we could call him at (h) 5432058 or at (w) 542-8003. Stanford announced that he had attended a banquet for the Commission for the Disabled. He stated that volunteers were needed for the Olympics for the disabled. If we had any questions we could call Classic City Access at 549-3712.
A. President's Report - Telvis reminded us of the worksheet that he passed out at the first meeting concerning the 9 committments. He reminded us that we are committed to help with the SAC Conference. Next Wednesday, October 27, Adam will be hosting another meeting at the Coffee House at 7pm. Be prepared to ask any questions you have regarding the running of SGA. This past weekend Telvis attended the National Leadership Conference in St. Louis. We are ranked very highly among other student governments around the nation. We were the second largest group represented there next to Arizona State. He also has additional information to pass along to committee chairs. The first President's Council meeting will be Wednesday, October 20, at 7:30pm in room 137 of the Tate Center. The plans for the council are for the various organizations around campus to come together and exchange ideas. The Council will meet approximately once a month. Freshman elections are going to be October 27; spread the word. The SAC Conference is going to be November 5-7. Telvis reemphasized that he needed everyone's help. Every Senator involved will be assigned a school to work with the entire weekend. The committees need to start submitting information to Adam, because everyone needs to have a sense of what is going on. During freshman elections we are going to attach a survey to the ballots. Each committee needs to submit 4 issues to Telvis. Mr. Cochran contacted Telvis about a problem regarding class size. We need to appoint a Senator to represent us in this issue.
B. Vice President - After much debate it was decided that on nights of guest speakers men are going to wear slacks and a knit shirt or button-down, and women are going to wear a skirt. Senators will be notified of nights when there is going to be a guest speaker.