C. Treasurer - Jay provided a copy of the SGA budget f or
the 93-94 fiscal year. The budget was approved without any
changes by the allocation committee. Jay explained what every
included on the budget breakdown.
Student Travel - travel to conferences
Advertising Red and Black
Vehicle Rental conferences
Reception/Hospitality/Food - ceremonies and conferences
Program Supplies - programs on campus
Printing and Copying - we have accounts at Tate Center
and Kinko's. At Kinko's the
account is under the name of
Student Association Business.
Other Program Production Expenditures - pageants
Student Training - retreats
Technical Support Jay did not know
Equipment Purchase needed equipment
Facility Rental banquet rooms
Equipment Rental pa equipment
Jay reminded us that all expenses must be approved by Telvis,
Ron, or himself. There will be request forms available in our
boxes. $570 has already been spent on travel, and $81