-schedules already approved for 1995 & 1996
-Fall & Winter quarter of 1994 there is no break
between classes and exams
-this is a policy question before University
2) Management 260 and MS 209 combination of classes
3) Application Strengthening - maybe include essay
4) Lowering of required hours to graduate
-Section 7 says students can approve honor code
-Dr. Douglas wants everyone included
D. Cultural Affairs - Kimberly Puckett stated that her
committee needs more members, and the committee was working
on the following issues:
1) Made contact with every cultural organization and
wants to have a reception
2) Cultural Fair - have booths and food
3) Cultural Input Day have students express what
is wrong.
E. Enviromental Affairs John Chamblee stated that
the committee hopes to host a program series throughout the
year at which a UGA faculty member will speak. On October 21
Dr. Clark Wolf will speak on enviromental ethics at 8 pm in
room 141 of the Tate Center. There will be approximately one
speaker per month. The committe is also trying to strengthen
the recycling program around school. There is a coalition with
Students for Enviromental Awareness. They hope to present
programs at the dormitories about recycling. They are going
to organize a grass roots program to try start recycling in
the business areas and apartment complexes of Athens.
Tasha Cox made a motion to accept the committee reports and
they were accepted as read.
V. Announcements - Kimberly Puckett needs help with the
pageant. John Bradberry wants a new business section added
to the agenda.
VI. Adjournment - It motioned for the meeting to adjorn. The
motion was seconded and passed.