Telvis - Appoints Ken as chair and then asks for acceptance.

Jay- Seconded.

There was no debate. Jay gave his whole-hearted approval.

Ron - Officially approved Ken Townsend as the Miss UGA chair.

Telvis goes back to speaking and starts discussing Adhoc Committees for senators and students. The Cultural Arts Affair - to hold monthly programs on cultural and racial issues; there is no club or organization that currently does this. Public Relations - to send out a monthly newsletter that will keep the student body informed; approximately seven people are needed. AthensClarke County Clean and Beautiful Commission Safety Representative - to work with police department on safety issues. Environmental Affairs - recycling and anything else. Next Tuesday the people who went on retreat will meet with Telvis and those who didn't will meet with Andy and Ron. This is after the general body meeting.

B. Vice President's Report

Summer Information - Ron served on registration committee. The new process goes into effect Spring Quarter. New computers that can be accessed from computer labs, and from home for those with modems. He also served on the cultural academic honesty board - new guidelines for violations. Honor assistants will instruct graduate and undergraduate students.

C. Treasurer's Report Jay had no information.

D. Secreta[y's Report

Hope read quick minutes from meeting last Spring. Then asked everyone to fill out name and phone number on a list that was being passed around.

There was a motion by Ron to accept officer's reports. It was moved and seconded by Jay Gemes. Ron officially accepted the officer's reports.