V1. Election of Protempore
Ron states that we will have nominations then discussion for Protempore.
He then reads from the Constitution. Jason Martin nominated Julie
Mickle. Clinton Austin nominated John Bradberry. Ron asks for motion
to close nominations - given by Stephanie Ware, then seconded.
Julie - SGA is important to her. She was Student Life chair last year and
headed the freshman focus. She was elected senator of the year, so her
peers respect her. Since new people are involved she sees SGA moving
ahead and would like to be a part of that.
John - Respects Julie, and as President last year he would like to serve
on executive committee again. Wants another leadership position. By
being on executive committee he feels he has an advantage.
Ron - Asks for questions. There were none so Julie and John left and
the floor was opened for discussion.
Jason Martin
- knows Julie is enthusiastic because she was senator of
the year and that should speak for itself.
Richard Bowles
- said Julie was a hard worker and strong leader.
Jay Gemes
- John is commited to SGA. He thinks Telvis, Ron, and John
will all work well together. John knows the Constitution and can help
change it for the good of the students.
- As an outsider to SGA, he has no doubt John will be hard
working, diligent, and address concerns. Also he feels John would be
respectful of Telvis and Ron without being undermining.
Richard Martin
- As incumbant of President and Protempore positions,
he feels both candidates would do well. However, John who was
President has executive experience. So, consider who the most qualified
would be before voting. Vote for John.
Ron - asked for a motion to close debate
Jay - moved and it was seconded.
Ron - debate is closed, please vote.