ROLL CALL - Jason Martin, Kimberly Puckett, and Jocelyn Walters were absent. Brad Turner was absent but excused.
PRESIDENT'S REPORT - Telvis explained how the meetings would work. Every other week we would have a general meeting and the in between weeks will consist of committee meetings. Since a senate forum of 2\3 has not been met we will put off committee head appointments. The committees will be Student Life,Cultural Affairs, International Affairs,Academic Affairs,and Environmental Affairs.
VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT - Telvis and Ron will be attending the SECC conference this weekend in Mississippi. Please make sure you pick up a phone list as well as a ranking form for the committees. For all of the officers that have keys from last year please make sure you turn them in so that the new officers can have them.
TREASURER'S REPORT - So far our only expenses have been to put two articles in the RED and BLACK for freshman elections and to send flowers to a delegate of the summer SAC conference.
PROTEMP REPORT - Freshman elections will be October 27 th , appli cations are at the information center in Tate. There is an informational meeting in Russell Hall Thursday at 7:30 and one in Meyers Oct.6 from 7-8. Thanks to Sarah for making the posters. Julie also needs help stapling packets together so anyone willing t
to help please stay after and help. Petitions are due on the 8t of October. If anyone has any questions about the elections call Julie.
Ron asked for acceptance of the reports. It was moved and seconded to accept the officer's reports by Jay.
Telvis - Since we have 2\3 of the Senate we will now do committee appointments. Telvis appoints Sarah Dick