one that included a beeping noise for when the light changes colors. Both of the amendments were accepted. Clinton made a motion to end discussion. Rod asked for a roll call vote and the o7 3 resolution was passed unanimously.
John - Chuck Horton will help in talking to the commission about the resolution that was just passed. John Barrow who is the Lumpkin St Commissioner will try and help get this resolution on the agenda for the Commission meeting. Something that is on the agenda concerns the open container law and eliminating the twilight criterion. So John will continue to keep us informed us to what is going on.

Julie - there is a meeting for the Leadership Resource Team at 7:30 tomorrow

Jocelyn - Black Theatrical Ensemble is having a production at 8pm tomorrow night in South PJ and it is free to students
Stephanie - if interested in being on the Special Events Committee stay after

Telvis good quarter, have a good break, the first meeting is Jan. 11 dress up from now on the agenda and bills and resolutions to be discussed will be put in our boxes after exec on Mon.
Ron - Jan. 11 the meeting will be held in Rm 136 Dr. Knapp will be speaking

Ron made a motion to adjourn it was seconded and we adjourned at 9:30.