John Bradberry asked if there would be any other business at the Tuesday evening meeting.

Andy stated that SGA had three resolutions to discuss and vote on at the meeting, one resolution is about staying with quarter hour or changing to semester hours.

William Perry stated that once before SGA was criticized for acting after the fact and is this going to happen with the issue of quarter or semester hours. I though this was already going to happen - are we acting after the fact again?

Mr. Cochran stated that remaining on quarter hours was on its way, but it is not set yet and he didn't feel it would hurt to have SGA support remaining on quarter hours.

Richard Martin suggested putting this resolution (Resolution 5-03) before the Senate and if SGA wants to support keeping the quarter system or change to a semester system.

Ashley Disque announced that she had called a special meeting to elect a new President Pro Tem.

Jay Gemes is conducting a survey on the Tate Plaza on Tuesday, February 2, 1993 regarding the Georgia/Florida game. If anyone can help, please come to the plaza tomorrow and help conduct this survey.

John Bradberry announced that he met with President Knapp and will send out a memo regarding student representation on campus. Also, he talked with Jim Crouch about getting them to check with SGA regarding getting all appointments from SGA, rather than going to other organizations. I want SGA to be the sole place where appointments come from.

Brian Cartwright needs some General Committee members or Senators to help him out by going to some of the meetings for the Athens/Clarke County Commission. I can't go to all of these meetings. Also, is there some way the appointment can be changed from 1 to 2 years. Just as the person gets acquainted and familiar with procedure, their term is up and the commission says it would help them to have a person in that position for a longer period of time.

John Bradberry announced that it would require a constitutional change.

Mr. Cochran informed the committee that several years ago SGA had a more consistent voice there. We had elections in the spring, and in the spring and summer the incoming and