JUD THOMPSON - SGA is a service leading body that is being
watched by everyone. Jud feels that we could use some improvement in a few ways. We need to start respecting ourselves as
well as the general members before we can expect the rest of the
student body to respect our organization. We also need to start
making ourselves a governing service. If our organization starts
improving our image then we will also get the governing respect
from all of the other organizations on this campus. This image
will help us become the most active and most familiar student
organization on this campus. The only way to make all of this
happen is to start here in our meetings. The time for change has
come, so lets make that change now. With this change we can be
the voice that we were set out and elected to be.
ROLL CALL - Rod Miller was the only one absent.
PRESIDENTS REPORT - Telvis started off by asking everyone to
think about what Jud just said. Better Relations Day was today
and we hosted Auburn University. They brought their President
and Vice - President as well as representatives from their radio
station, and the Black Student Union. Their student government
is very friendly and they seem to meet at least once a week
outside of their regularly scheduled meetings. Last week at the
Presidents Council meeting IFC, Panhellinic, Black Affairs, the
Black Greeks as well as many others met to have a dinner to
discuss student concerns. This meeting was held and run by only
students. By the end of the night everyone was ready to hold the
next meeting to see what else they could do as far as student
concerns go. Presidents Council is a way to get the leadership
involved by all groups on campus. It is not a new organization.
Presidents council will meet monthly so talk to Telvis if you
want to attend. Freshman Elections are Wed. 27. There will be a
survey accompying the ballot. Pleas encourage everyone to fill
out this survey. This survey will help us when we go to talk to
administrators because it will give us some hard core proof of
how the students feel. If you want to jazz up the office just
make sure you run it by an exec member first so proper procedures
can be followed. Also about the incident that happened last week'
Telvis took the proper measures by making sure our working relationship is not harmed. Nov 5 - 7 we will be having the SAC
conference here. If you will not be attending make sure to let
your committee chair know. Registration will be Friday from 3 -
5, and we will be hosting 34 schools. So lets get ready for a
good weekend. John Chamblee held an informational last week to
let those interested in environmental affairs know what his committee is doing. The informational was very effective. Wednes-