Those in attendance were Andy Vanlandingham, William Perry, Ashley Disque, Jay Gemes, Richard Martin and John Bradberry.
Sam Green from the Georgia Association of Taxpayers, gave suggestions to SGA on ways to get student representation on the Athens/Clarke County Commission. He suggested students go to the commission and say the students should not be taxed without representation on this commission. Give the students a seat and then bring up the issue of taxing students. The commission wants to impose a tax on alcohol and also change the times you have to pay for parking at the deck downtown and at the meters.
William Perry suggested giving this issue of no taxation without representation to a committee and let them decide what to do.
Ashley suggested letting the Student Life Committee work on this problem and then report back to the Senate and let them know their findings.
Brian Cartwright, Athens/Clarke County Commission liaison asked for volunteers to help him attend the various meetings that are held by the commission. He cannot attend all of these meeting by himself - there are too many of them.
John Bradberry feels that the executive committee really needs to get these issues of the alcohol tax and the parking situation before the Senate soon, and get the working on this immediately since it will be voted on the first Tuesday in March. This does not give us much time. We need to write a Bill and have it completed to present to the commission by the first Tuesday in March regarding the alcohol tax and plans to charge to parking later into the evening. If it isn't ready by this time, then it will be too late - they will pass it and we won't have any say.
Brian Cartwright suggested having students come to this meeting and say they are against this tax. Let their opinions be known before it is passed and becomes law.
Tate Student Center e Athens, Georgia 30602-3401 e (706) 542-8584
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution