MARCH 1, 1993

Those in attendance were Ashley Disque, William Perry, John Bradberry, Andy Vanlandingham, Richard Martin, Jay Gemes and Leigh Christi Smith.

There were no absences.

John Bradberry announced that Tuesday will be a special meeting, but we will still go by our regular format.

Andy Vanlandingham announced to the conunittee that they needed to discuss and decide on the Agenda for the March 9th meeting. Dr. Coker will be attending this meeting and he would like the Agenda several days before the meeting.

The committee discussed and finalized the Agenda for this Tuesday's meeting (March 2, 1993). The Agenda will be as follows:

Ashley Disque announced that during this Tuesday's meeting (March 2, 1993) under Vice President's Report we will have the first reading of the constitution.

Richard Martin told the committee that he would have a Pro Tem report on Tuesday evening and he would also discuss absences and the Constitution that was submitted by William Perry.

Andy Vanlandingham announced to everyone that he would give the Senators an update on the office renovations on Tuesday evening.

Jay Gemes told the committee that he would report on his meeting with Dr. Coker this past Friday.

Leigh Christi Smith announced that she has nothing to report.

William Perry announced that he has nothing to report.

Tate Student Center * Athens, Georgia N602-340i * (706) 542-8584

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution