day night Adam Goldstein will be holding another workshop at the
Athens Coffee House. Please come out to learn about the structure of the student government. Next quarter the Debit Card will
be tried with incoming students. Hopefully by Spring it will be
o7 3 totally into effect. As of right now the card will only be
useful for entrance to the dorms, as an id, and for food. Telvis
nominate William Hung to be our representative for the Large
Class Size Chair. William spoke and asked that he be approved for
the job. Telvis then moves that we accept William and it is
seconded by Jay then approved by the Senate.
VICE PRESIDENTS REPORT - Please be mindful of the fact that our
meetings start at 7:30 and so lets try to be here on time. Also
this is a professional meeting so the snacks and drinks need to
be kept out of the meeting.
TREASURERS REPORT - Just to let us know Jay told us that Auburn
University's SGA gets $92000 and we only get $14000. Jay now has
the SGA allocation forms. Please come get one from him so that
he can get exec's approval for big allocations of money.
SECRETARY'S REPORT - Hope thanked Richard Bowles for taking and
typing last weeks minutes in her absence.
PROTEMPS REPORT - Julie announced that the elections were tomorrow. She then let us know that if we had questions on the constitution or parliamentary procedures just ask her or go talk to
Telvis and or Ron. The winners will be announced tomorrow night
at 7 pm. The rules and procedures will be in our boxes by Friday
at noon, so make sure to pick them up and read them by Tuesday's
There was a motion to accept officers reports it was accepted and
Julie - she went to a class curriculum meeting and they need
some people to help chair the subcommittees. If you are interested just contact her.
Matt - We need t - shirts to help publicize ourselves on this
campus. So lets try to get them out by the end of the quarter.
John - John would still like to see a new business section
added to the agenda. Because students are not going to the games
and are arriving late our allocation of tickets will be cut. If
you would like to try and help stop this from happening please
let him know. Hopefully we can do something to keep this from
Andy - We only have 12 delegates for the SAC conference so if
anyone would like to be a delegate let him know.
Clinton - Just make sure we keep in mind that we need to
respect everything everyone has to say. Most of the time their
intentions are good.
Mr. Cochran - Mr. Cochran thanked everyone for attending and
helping out in the better relations day. It was one of the best