ones we have had so far. We have learned that we can learn from
one another and that our schools have more in common that our
interests in football. Mr. Cochran also encouraged us not to let
the rules hinder us but help lead us to a better run
Amy - Johns idea of having a new business section is a great
o7 3 idea because it allows the senators to have their say.
Sarah - Student Life is working on a T-shirt so if you have
any design ideas just let her know.
Telvis - Telvis feels that up until now we have been working
on getting the committees together. Now that they are on a roll
we will take their work back to the senate body for input.
Stephanie - Their will be a communiversity Halloween party at
Ga. Hall Wed. from 7 - 9. Come out and help if you have time.
Kimbley - If you would like to do any volunteer work just let
her know because she can set you up with some.
Motion to adjourn by Julie was seconded and approved.