Telvis Rich swore in Joel Gerber, Ebony Hall, Kim Harley, Gregory Higgins, Julie Smithwick, and Drew Wade.

Open Forum -
Chris Atwood - The office of Development and Annual Fund is getting the Senior Class gift campaign working. They would like members from SGA to help work on the committee. The seniors that donate will have their names displayed on a plaque in Tate Student Center.
Sherri Chambers - read us an actual essay from someone who applied to NYU. The essay got lots of laughs.

ROLL CALL - Ryan Assad and Kimbley Puckett were excused.

PRESIDENT'S REPORT - Telvis welcomed the new senators and asked that everyone makes sure they introduce themselves and give them an idea of what each committee has been doing. After talking with Julie he decided that we should try to put scrapbook together. Julie will assign someone from her committee to put it together. There are some in the SGA office now that have articles and pictures from Better Relations Day and past SAC conferences. Anothef committee that he would like to put into action is a Special Events committee. This committee will help organize and aid in follow up help. Don't forget that SAC is this weekend! We need every member to offer their services for help and attend anything they can.

VICE PRESIDENT'S REPORT - There are going to be changes in the Rules and Procedures as well as new additions. They will be in your boxes by Tuesday so make sure to read them by the next meeting. Ron also welcomed the new senators. Then he made a motion to appoint Julie Smithwick, and Drew Wade to Internal Affairs, Ebony Hall to Student Life, Joel Gerber to Academic Affairs, Greg Higgins to Cultural Affairs, and Kim Harley to the Environmental Affairs Committees. This motion was seconded and approved.

Protemp's Report - There is a spot open for a Senior Senator and for Grad students. Applications will be available this week. Thanks to everyone who helped work with the elections. Julie Smithwick will be the historian and Jason Martin will the general commmittee chair. Julie made these appointments because they are subcommittees of the Internal Affairs committee. Telvis - There were over 624 surveys filled out. Please stay and help tally up the percentages so we can use them when we approach the Administrators. '