Roll Call - John Bradberry and Jay Gemes were both excused. Brad
Turner was unexcused.
Ron motioned to adjourn to committees this was seconded and
Academic Affairs - The process for creating teacher evaluations
for the student body has begun. The committee is also working
more on getting the essay and or purpose statement placed onto
the application.
Cultural Affairs - The committee will be voting on questions for
the Cultural Input Day survey. Their next event will be the
Cultural Fair. They are also working on getting other progams
put into place.
Internal Affairs - Julie has delegated responsibilty to each of
her members. Jason Martin is working on getting more general
committee members. Together they created an application to be
filled out by any interested members. The advertising for this
will begin at the beginning of the quarter. Julie Smithwick will
be working on the scrapbook for SGA. Drew Wade is Senator General Committee chair. Each quarter every committee will select a
member that they feel was outstanding. At the last meeting of
the quarter the senate will vote on the outstanding general
committee member and senator. Jason Martin, Drew Wade, and Brad
Turner were the Internal Members in attendance at the SAC conference.
Student Life - Will discuss how far everyone has gone with their
issues. We will also talk about new ideas and things to work on
for next quarter. The last thing we will do is decide if we want
to do anything for cultural input day.