Telvis asked that for tomorrow the chairs include an issue that they can brainstorm in order to incorporate all members and begin looking at the issues they are going to try to work on and discuss. He also stressed that they try to assign themselves one big project that all members can work on as a whole, and at the same time have two sub-committee projects that can be worked on in smaller groups. This way everyone will be working and actively doing something in the committee. Some of the possible issues the committees will tackle were then discussed briefly.

Telvis then brought up the matter of office hours for senators. He stated that after speaking with Adam and Ron they had decided that it should be the responsibility of the Chairs to ensure that their committee members are working during their office hours. Telvis then expressed concern regarding efficiency in ensuring that members are getting quality work done during their office hours. Julie suggested that the office hours be broken up among the members so that an individual might have an office hour every other week instead of every week. Ron stated that he had been looking into having extended office hours so that each member would be required to do one office hour actually in the office while a second office hour could be done elsewhere (i.e. in a meeting with President Knapp, concerned organizations on campus, or other students with concerns) and that the member would then be responsible to bring the minutes from that extended office hour to their Chair. Clinton Austin asked for clarification of these office hours. It was stated that the Chairs of the committees would meet with their members to decide a certain time to have office hours every day at the same time for at least one hour. All committee Chairs should strongly encourage committment to at least one hour every week. Telvis re-emphasized that each committee should meet to discuss what hours would be best for them, decide on one, and then have the Chair bring those hours to the next Executive Committee meeting.

The agenda for the Senate Meeting on Tuesday, October 5th was set. It would be as follows:

1. Call to Order
Ii. Open Forum
III. Roll Call
IV. Officer's Report
A. President's Report

V. General Business

1. Clinton Austin VI. Adjourn to Committees