SEPTEMBER 20, 1993
Staff members in attendance were Tom Cochran, Adam Goldstein, and Miina Shukair.
SGA members present were Telvis Rich, Ron Jones, Jay Gemes, and Hope Alexander.
There were no absences.
The agenda for the Senate Meeting on Tuesday, September 21 st was set. It would be as
1. Call to Order
Ii. Open Forum
111. Swearing in of Senators
IV. Roll Call
V. Officer's Report
A. President's Report
B. Vice President's Report
C. Treasurer's Report
D. Secretary's Report
VI. Election of Pro Tempore
VII. Old Business
A. Summer Update
B. SGA Retreat
C. Summer SAC Report
VIII. New Business
A. Resolution 6-OIR
B. Andy Vanlandingham to speak on Fall SAC Conference
IX. Announcements
X. Adjourn
Telvis Rich brought up the Executive Committee Meeting time. After some discussion, it was
decided that the meetings would be held every Monday at 10 a.m. in Conference Room 154.
Adam Goldstein and Ron Jones brought up the possibility of changing the procedure for the
visiting speaker policy. Mr. Cochran informed that the rules and procedures are governed by
the current SGA, and that they have the option to change the bylaws formally. It was decided
that Adam and Ron would review what was there and change formally what they want.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:50 a.m.