OCTOBER 11, 1993

Staff members in attendance were Adam Goldstein and Miina Shukair.

SGA members present were Telvis Rich, Jay Genies, Hope Alexander, Julie Mickle, and Sarah Dick.

Mr. Tom Cochran, Ron Jones, Kimbley Puckett, and Clinton Austin were absent.

Telvis Rich opened the meeting by stating that Ron, Kimbley, and Mr. Cochran were at the University of Florida for Better Relation's Day.

Telvis then asked for information about what when on in committee meetings last week. Sarah Dick (Student Life) said that they brainstormed about what they wanted to see get done on campus this year. The main things they discussed were debit cards for all services on campus, bike paths, better lighting on campus, and call boxes vs. blue lights for safety. She mentioned that Jay Genies suggested having a soccer program. Sarah also gave Samford's input regarding extended bus services (weekend schedule), recycling clothes, and better services for disabled students. She summed up that they had thought about having a referendum about extended bus services and handicapped services on the freshman elections. Hope Alexander raised the question of how to prove student support of an issue. Julie Mickle said that last year a survey was left at the information desk and other places for student input. Adam Goldstein suggested that when people are coming to government to vote anyway, that you'd be guaranteed a better turnout if you went ahead and pushed a survey on them at the same time. A Student Input Day is another good way to receive information. He also suggested that we create a whole survey and not just a referendum and the students could fill it out when they come to vote. After some discussion it is decided that a survey will be created to be filled out while voting for freshman elections. Julie Mickle (Internal Affairs) let us know that there are 20 candidates for freshman elections. She also reminded that we need to have office hours finalized by Friday. Julie then stated that her committee would probably have the 10-11 a.m. time slot Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. Telvis informed us that Academic Affairs is working on an Honor Code. He also let us know that Cultural Affairs is trying to draft a letter for programming to be aware of the diversity as far as Asian students, etc.

Julie reminded us that she still has not received Kimbley Puckett and Jocelyn Walters excuse forms for their absences on September 28th. Some discussion was made regarding how long people should have to turn in their excuse forms. Julie stated that policy had already been made that the forms were due by 10:00 a.m. on the Monday before the meeting. In special cases they should be turned in by noon the day after the meeting. There was more discussion regarding Kimbley and Jocelyn's excuses still not being turned in and that possibly their absence should be considered unexcused. In which case Jocelyn would have two unexcused absences already, and would be in danger of losing her position on SGA. More discussion regarding whether or not a second chance to turn in the excuse form should be given. It was decided that Kimbley and Jocelyn would have until noon on Oct. 12th to turn in the excuse form, otherwise their excused absence would become unexcused. It was also decided that in the future, if the excuse forms are not in by the due dates, the absence will automatically become unexcused. Jay Genies checked the Constitution to clarify the number of unexcused absences allowed. The Constitution