The Rationale and Procedural Guidelines for

Executive Board Approval of Bills/Resolutions


Procedural Guidelines:

1. The issue that the bill/resolution addresses should not be debated by the executive board.

2. If, ultimately, the debate in the executive board meeting revolves to the issue of the

The agenda for the November 16, 1993 Senate meeting was set as follows:

I. Call to Order
Ii. Open Forum
III. Roll Call
IV. Officer's Reports

V. Committee Reports

VI. Old Business
A. SGA Awareness Day
B. Tee-Shirts
VIL New Business
A. Bill 6-05
B. Resolution 6-03
VIII. Announcements
IX. Adjourn

Telvis asked for any other business. There was none.

Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.