NOVEMBER 15,1993
SGA members present were Telvis Rich, Ron Jones, Jay Gemes, Hope Alexander, Kimbley Puckett, Sarah Dick, Clinton Austin, and Gregory Higgins.
First line of business was to excuse absences for Tuesday night's senate meeting: John Sradberry - excused to attend Athens/Clarke County Commission Meeting. Jason Martin - excused to attend organized study group.
Cultural Affairs Chair Kimbley Puckett asked that the SGA Awareness Day be postponed until Winter Quarter so there will be more time for preparation. The executives agreed and it was passed. The Chair also introduced three pieces of literature - The Vote of Tolerance, a By-Laws amendment, and a Constitutional amendment.
There was a long discussion regarding the Vote of Tolerance Resolution from Cultural Affairs. Ron made a motion to vote on putting it on the agenda for Tuesday night. Kimbley seconded. Kimbley was in favor of it. Ron, Clinton, and Jay opposed. Hope abstained.
Hope Alexander made a motion to postpone putting the By-Law and Constitution amendments on the agenda until Winter Quarter. It was determined that the By-Laws amendment must be given a first reading at Tuesday night's meeting. Hope made a motion to then postpone the Constitution amendment reading until Winter Quarter. Clinton Austin seconded. All in favor except Kimbley and Sarah who were opposed.
Student Life introduced a Resolution on safety for the Lumpkin Street area where a student died last year. The resolution will be introduced on Tuesday night. Student Life will also give a report on the Voter Registration Day that took place last week, the "I'm Driving" Program, and a final update on SGA Tee-shirts.
Academic Affairs Working on Admissions application, Teacher Evaluations, and the Honor Code.
There was also a discussion on the purpose and powers of the Executive Committee. Should the Executive Committee determine the agenda solely by affirming or rejecting information, or should it merely allow legislation to appear on the agenda for the Senate to debate and decide on? It was decided that for all bills and resolutions there will be this form attached to help yield a clear and concise debate: