The Rationale and Procedural Guidelines for
Executive Board Approval of Bills/Resolutions
This Bill/Resolution has been approved. Any question regarding the wording and
amount of research done on this issue will be debated during formal SGA
This Bill/Resolution has not been approved for debate. The wording of the
motion is vague and/or issue has not been adequately researched.
Procedural Guidelines:
1. The issue that the bill/resolution addresses should not be debated by the executive board.
The debate should be specific to the options listed above.
2. If, ultimately, the debate in the executive board meeting revolves to the issue of the
bill/resolution, the executive board should:
a) Recognize this as an issue that the board is split on and that the whole SGA might
benefit from this discussion during debate.
b) Forward the bill/resolution to the SGA for debate.
The agenda for the November 16, 1993 Senate meeting was set as follows:
1. Call to Order
II. Open Forum
III. Roll Call
IV. Officer's Reports
B. Vice-President's Report
C. President Pro-Tempore's Report
V. Committee Reports
VI. Old Business
A. SGA Awareness Day
B. Tee-Shirts
VII. New Business
A. Bill 6-05
B. Resolution 6-03
VIII. Announcements
IX. Adjourn
Telvis asked for any other business. There was none.
Meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.