NOVEMBER 1, 1993
SGA members present were Telvis Rich, Ron Jones, Jay Gemes, Hope Alexander, Julie Mickle, Kimbley Puckett, Sarah Dick, and Clinton Austin.
Sarah Dick presented a bill, which concerned a voter registration day on Tate Plaza. The Bill was assigned the number 6-02. She will present the Bill at the Senate meeting tomorrow (11/2/93). Sarah expressed the need for SGA to fund the program (i.e. rent tables, advertise, etc. -- an estimated cost of $20.00).
Kimbley Puckett, Cultural Affairs Chair, reintroduced Bill 6-01, "Cultural Input Day". Kim stated that if passed the Input Day would be a three day event at the Tate Center and outside of Boyd Graduate Studies Building. She also expressed a need for SGA to fund refreshments (i.e. doughnuts and hot chocolate -- the estimated cost for the doughnuts is $95.00 for three days). Kim feels the input day will reach a more culturally diverse group over a three day period. She will present the bill tomorrow night.
Jay Gemes, Treasurer, expressed the need for there to be a process of approving items and events to be funded RILor to their purchase. Jay told the committee that he wanted a more active role in the Treasurer's position, by being a part of the approval of funds in SGA.
There was discussion about whether or not to change the structure of committee meetings. After much talk, the Executive committee concluded that committee meetings would be on the same assigned alternate nights, but the order of the meeting will only include Call to Order, Roll Call, and Adjourn to Committees.
Adam Goldstein, Co-Advisor, said that two senators and 2 general committee members showed up at the Coffee House for last week's meeting. This week Dr. Richard Rose will be the guest at the Coffee House on Thursday at 7:00 p.m.
Kimberly Puckett was excused from the Senate Meeting tomorrow night due to a test. William Huang was excused in order to attend a Tate Society Meeting, but he will attend SGA meeting from 7:30-8:00 p.m.
Julie Mickle, Pro Tempore, said the election went well, and she asked that Academic Affairs Chair, Clinton Austin, begin to work on the Teacher's Evaluation project because it is in the Bylaws.