APRIL 4, 1994
Staff members in attendance were Mr. Tom Cochran and Miina Shukair.
SGA members present were Telvis Rich, Ron Jones, Julie Mickle, Hope Alexander, Kimbley
Puckett, Sarah Dick, and Scott Taranto.
The meeting was called to order by Telvis Rich.
First line of business was to excuse absences for Tuesday night's senate meeting:
Jocelyn Walters - excused to attend a Barrow County Board of Commissioners Meeting.
Julie Mickle - excused to attend Summer Orientation Meeting.
Cultural Affairs Kimbley Puckett states that they are working on the Cultural Fair, and are
speaking to other organizations regarding their involvement.
Student Life Sarah Dick introduces a bill and a resolution. Both are tabled.
Environmental Affairs NO REPORT - John Chamblee absent.
Internal Affairs Julie Mickle has a bill regarding a change in the Bylaws dealing with elections.
There is intense discussion. After much discussion, the bill is placed on the next senate meeting
agenda and given number 6-11.
Academic Affairs Scott Taranto reports that they have met with Dr. Whitton and he states that
there will be a guideline for teacher evaluations book coming out in the Fall.
Telvis asked for any other business. There was none.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.