Mi flu tes
F e L~ r U, ~-, L n 4
Call Lc) Order 8:05
Open Forum - Titn Edwar(15 piesiderif: of Freshman Council seeking to
un i te w i th othe r C1 L (-ja I'l i z a L'i Wa I I t to have a mutua 1
re lat 1 oii-~ Ili I-) w.1 th. Clinton ts workinq in Atlanta at the ---,tate
capital and just cawe up to ;---;ay hi.
1'.) r i's Lhe director of Minority Services and
Programs. H P I i worked wj Lh SGA a wholp a nd with the
Mil tural Af f a -1 r F; L Lee ~i:j w(,-LI . Dr . Bate-) feels that it is
in our t-o learn a.s fit u (-, h as we call about all. other
cn-Uure~-, -)n thi-s u-1-impus. Millorli.y Services Programs works mainly
w 1 L h Afrl.can AinerIcans, Hi5panics, and with As i a ns . Their main
p r o (-.1 r a m i s ca 1 -1 ed : T,e.-,id(, r,;h 1 p, F(I tico tJ ()n, Academi c
Exce- I lence, 1), 1 1) i V(- , r :- -~ity. 'I., hl ~, is B I ac ~~, Aiiie r I ca n H j. s t o r y
Quarter an(l on I.Alf, i-list- ":", i t- f 1-his month there will be an
African Aiit(-7~ r ir-,-A i i Villaye Market. at (34a. Square Mall. For Sprinq
Quarter Minnrli-y e r v i (- es, would III,(, to work wiLh S( "A t:cp try arif-I
make Lh~, corp ctirricit1iiiii inclild" r-1-i'-se-, oll (-itlLtire~7-

R, o I I Cal. I -- R 'I (A)0 rd tl I r L. I n I K J wh] (-y Pu(Jet t , and Brad Turner all
liad excuspd i a-, a Ift.il.-Ilies, an(l SL(~phan!(- Ware al.)had
unexcused absences,

Officers ReporL:-;

helped get Dr. BaL(--'--, to speak this evening. We have touched lots
of different- cirea.,-, wit-h our -peakers an(I we need to make sure we
use what they had Lo say to our advanta( - le . Last weekend the SAC
uolif er Plice wa ~, I I o "i t, e d I n A t,- I a nta 17111 d we (.1 id not s e i id any
d e I u, qa L. e:~, . To all. of Lhf, colimi i t tees continue- to work hard and
welcome new members and help orlent them into what everyone is
working oil. The c:,,x(-(-: c f-mmJI-tee has had some discussion on t-. hn
Speech C ode and the SLudent Life commILtee will hopefully be
doing --.(:,iiie rpsearch and lett-jn(i kijow what is yoinc on. The
Treasurer posit!aii open ind Lo improve the budget we want-- to
establish a Finance ContmiLtee Lo hplp the Tiea-5urer.
Telvis ma(le a Illotioll L o a- ppo i nt L i s a W -1. n d h o lz as our new
treasurer . John Py adbe r ry seconde~d i t a nd t he inot i on passed.

Protempore - TI te r (2 w i 11 be an election datps subuommittee
formed. T n t P I' 11;-11 affai,17S: haS Wld(' I fnr date.:; and
will leL the sul) committee fiiialize the dates. wed it 5pm ill
room 139 the ConsLiLution Task Force will meet. to dis(-us;---. Uie ll(-w
ch'allges to th" collst-it.ution.
Secretary - Hope Ulanke(l Jocelyll and Ljscq for taking and typing the mi-III-ItUS fOr tllf- 1:0--L t-WO W('ek-s'.

Ron made a m(-)LIf-%n to of f lur~rs the inotJ.nn was