having more student representation on the University Council. She also stressed that she feels there will probably be compromises made and that the faculty members will oppose it. Mr. Cochran agrees that we need to be ready to neutralize any opposition but especially student opposition. He also stated that we should begin speaking with the students on the University Council for that very reason. Julie then read the second resolution and it was numbered Resolution 6-06. Julie also reminded us that Elections are tomorrow night and they have already been slated. She then brought up the absences for the meeting tomorrow night. Hope Alexander has to see a movie for class. All approved this absence. Kimbley Puckett has a test tomorrow night. All approved this absence. Julie's next line of business was distributing the new Constitution and ByLaws to senators. Mr. Cochran reminded us that the process for changing completely the Constitution and for simply amending it are totally different. Bringing a completely new one in is the best call. He suggests calling for a Constitutional Referendum before Spring elections. Also, the possibility of having a Constitutional Convention to work on the Constitution (by volunteer only) was suggested.

Ron Jones brought up the Finance Committee Structural Guidelines (see attached). This will be voted on for the ByLaws and will require a first reading tomorrow night.

Telvis then asked for any more comments. Julie asked what we are doing about elections. Telvis informed her that he feels early spring is the best time to have them because that way the new SGA members can begin work immediately. Mr. Cochran feels it necessary for us to address a time table for elections because the end of winter for campaigning is not a good time. Telvis will give this some thought.

The agenda for the January 25, 1993 Senate meeting was set as follows:

I. Call to Order
Ii. Roll Call
111. Open Forum
IV. Guest Speaker Gwen O'Looney, CEO Athens/Clarke County
V. Officer's Reports

VI. Committee Reports