Currentlv reads:
Article ~. The L)'nl'versltv,%'-'ouncit
Section 6. Ratio of mem;ership
k'h). Students. A total of nineteen members of the "'ouncil shall be students
L t I %-- I V
elected by students from their respective schools or colleges as outlined H-I the Bylaws.

Proposed change shall read:
Article V. The Universitv C-ouncil
Section 6. Ratio of rnembership
k"b). Students. ' total oftwenty-four members of the Council shall be

students at the the University. Nineteen of the members shall be students elected by students from their respective schools or college-,-, ws couttlined in.
ti- - V 3 - .1 - - - I -, V L- - - I - - A

-jovernment Associati Bylaws.