Proposed change shall read: Part V. General Procedures Section Ill. Election and Appointment Procedures D. Student inemherv 1'. Nineteen students shall be elected to the University Council apportioned as follows: one from each of the schools and colleges, except for Arts and Sciences, which shall have four, and Business, the Graduate school, and Education, which shall each have two. Students elected by the .schools/colleges may be graduate or undergraduate status with the exception of graduate school representatives who must be graduate status. Students of sophomore -status or above, in good academic standing, may stand for election to the University Council for a one-year term and may stand 'or election to one additional term only. Only students chosen by elective procedure may serve on the Council. Each spring the Vice President -'for Student Affairss shall polls the schools and colleges to determine whether they wish to conduct the election of student Council members. Schools or colleges which wish to conduct their own elections shall file an election plan with the Student Affairs Committee of the Council. Other schools and colleges will have the Vice President for Student Affairs conduct elections for them, according to a plan approved by the Committee on Student Affairs and the executive Committee of the Council. If and when a student governing body is organized, the Vice President for Student Affairs may, with the approval Executive Committee and the Committee for Student Affairs, transfe ' r in whole or in part the responsibility for conducting elections of student Council members. Elections shall be conducted in the spring of each year prior to the September in which student 'terms on the Council begin. 2. Five elected student members of the Student C-rovernment Association executive, committee shallserve, on the 17hiver.,.0ty Council a5jollow.5: the KiA President, the SCjA Vice President, the Chairman of the Student Life Committee, the Chairman of the Academic Affairs Committee, and the Chairrna.n of the Internal Affairs Committee. These members shall he t wcteil according te-, the election procedure outlined in the SCFA constitution and shall hegin serving as membe rs of the t1niversity Council when thev begin their executive office in the Student Government Association.