Present: Abernathy, Black, Burris, Chalk, Dew, Dixon, Heinzer, Hines, Howard, Kautz, Kirk, Newman,
Oliver, Rivers, Smith (A), Smith (B), Waters, Young
Absent: Bryant, Hudson

1. Invocation
II. Pledge
III. Special Guest: Tubby Smith
IV. Roll Call
V. Open Forum

Vi. Off icere Reports

VII. Committee Reports

VIII. New Business

Burris, Bryant, Hines, and Heinzer (Alternate) approved unanimously
IX. Announcements
A. Debate between Georgia candidates for State Senate at next full senate meeting
B. Minutes will be placed in everyones box one week following all meetings. If you need any
back minutes, see the secretary. File all minutes in your notebook.
X. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously