SGA Committee Meetings
October 15, 1996
7:30pm-Tate Center
Internal Affairs
Present: Howard, Rivers, Young (Bennett, Jourbagy)/Absent: Bryant,
1. New Business
A. Chair Announcements
1. Congress to Campus Program
B. Attendance Hearings
1. Vote to have hearing for Bryant passes unanimously
II. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously
Academic Affairs
Present: Dew, Dixon, Heinzer, Hudson, Kirk, Oliver, Smith (A), Smith (B)
1. New Business
A. Chair Announcements
1. Newsletters
2. Course Review Book: responsibility to organize is solely within the
committee; lack of communication resolved
11. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously
Student Life
Attendance: Abernathy, Black, Chalk, Kautz, Parker
1. New Business
A. Chair Announcements
1. Athens Clarke County Clean and Beautiful
2. Homecoming
3. Fee Allocation
11. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously