Internal Affairs Committee Attendance Hearing
October 22, 1996
L Review of Attendance Policy
II. Review of Attendance Records
A. Christy Bryant: 3 unexcused absences (2 spring quarter (May 21, 28), 1 fall
(Oct. 8)
111. Inquiry
A. Christy Bryant
1. Was unaware of meeting times or dates of spring quarter meetings
2. May 28: academic commitment (term paper) prevented attendance
when called by vice president
3. Oct.8: illness/cold medicine overdose prevented attendance; unable to
obtain note from health center because not seen that day
4. Tammy (SGA office secretary) told Bryant that she was unsure if there
was a meeting on May 21, thus she assumed there was none
5. Bryant claimed a perfect attendance record from her previous term,
thus she was not aware of the means by which she should submit her
absence to SGA
IV. Rebuttal
A. Committee Chair: Amy Young
1. Times for meetings were clearly stated and known from Bryants
previous term
B. Advisor: Mr. Cochran
1. Suggested that the status of the May 28 absence would be difficult to
determine because the May 28 absence was a direct result of the May 21
2. Academic reasons could potentially be acceptable to excuse the May 28
C. Secretary: Missy Rivers
1. Meeting dates and times for all three absence were published publicly in
the Red and Black
2. Questioned why Bryant never turned in an excuse form for any of her
3. Bryant knew who the newly executive officers were during her 2 spring
quarter absences, and she could have contacted them if she was unsure of
meeting times
V. Motion to suspend the hearing
1. Rivers motioned that hearing be suspended until Waters could be
contacted about the conversation on the night of the May 28 meeting and
Bryant could obtain proof of her academic commitment
2. Motion passes 3-1
VI. Motion to adjoum-passes unanimously