Government Committee Meeting
Student Life Discussion of Homecoming
November 5,1996
7pm-Tate Center
Absent: Abernethy (ex), Dixon, Hines, Homans (ex), Oliver (ex), Parker, Waters (ex)
Present Bennett Black, Bryant Burris, Chalk, Dew, Heinzer, Howard, Hudson, Kautz, Virk, Newman, Rivers, Smith (A),
Smith (B), Young
1. Introduction-Amy Young
II. Student Life research report
A Contacted other universities including: University of Florida, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
Auburn University, Florida State Universfty
1 . dose classes on Friday before Homecoming game (AU)
2. distribute cups to entire student body cletailling weeks events (AU)
3. big name comedians, bands, etc (AU, UNC)
4. bonfire/pep rally (at stadium-UF) night before game (AU, UF, FSU)
5. parties around the state with various alumnae groups to celebrate (UF)
6. talent show (UF)
7. philanthropic run (UF)
B. Rebecca Heinzer was a member of the All Campus Homecoming Committee and provided information on
this past year's activities
Ill. Introduction of proposal-Doug Black
IV. Senate brainstorming on homecoming proposal
A. Concert (Thursday night)
1. have big name band and sell tickets
2. location: legion field, college square, coliseum, classic center
3. co-sponsor with union (arrange during spring quarter)
4. if outside, arrange with univ/police to have open containers
B. Parade (Friday night)
1. Invite: high school bands, UGA Band, cheerleaders, football team, other athletic teams, floats from
all organizations
2. Floats
a. have greeks, residents halls, etc all participate
b. make it more rewarding to participate
c. throw prizes (like March gras)
3. have it lead into the pep rally
4. hold it later in the day (not during mid-aftemoon and rush hour)
5. N possible, have it run through downtown, not just campus
C. Pep Rally (Friday evening)
1 . Have parade lead into the rally
2. cheedeaders/band
3. introduce the coaches and team
4. have a comedian do an act and MC
5. have fireworks, bonfire, etc at end
6. location: legion field, coliseum, (intermural fields, track)
7. introduce the homecoming candidates
8. needs a cute name-ex. gator growl
D. Other
1. Street Painting: still have contest to decorate the campus, but do not have other such contests
(like window painting, etc)
2. Involvement
a. local businesses: include in all aspects to drum up community support (send flyers,
releases, etc)
b. students
L have mecha blitz (similar to that for the constitution)
ii. have everyone wear school colors on Friday before the game
iii. no class on Friday, send notice to teachers before quarter begins requesting
that no tests be administered on the Friday before the game
c. alumnae
i. contact AJumnae Association for media plans
ii. send flyers of activities with season tickets