SGA Senate Meeting October 15, 1996 7pm-Tate Center Attendance Absent: Bryant, Burris, Waters Present: Abernathy, Black, Chalk, Dew, Dixon, Heinzer, Hines, Howard, Hudson, Kautz, Kirk, Newman, Oliver, Rivers, Smith (A), Smith (B), Young

1. Invocation
11. Pledge
Ill. Roll Call
V. Old Business-none
V1. New Business
A. Motion to approve Hannah Parker as Senator for the School of Family
and Consumer Sciences-passes unanimously
B. Swearing in of Hannah Parker
C. Homecoming Resolution: Passes unanimously
V11. Good of the Order-none
V111. Announcements
A. Newsletters
1. Due to secretary on Tuesday, Oct. 22; will be returned by
Tuesday, Oct. 29
2. Guidelines will be placed in boxes on Wednesday, Oct. 16
B. Homecoming: everyone vote
C. Use office Log
D. Check mail regularly
IX. Motion to close-passes unanimously