Absent: Burris (ex), Chalk, Dew
Present: Abernathy, Bennett, Black, Bryant, Dixon, Heinzer, Hines, Howard, Hudson, Kautz,
Kirk, Newman, Oliver, Parker, Rivers, Smith (A), Smith (B), Waters, Young

1. Off icers' Reports

11. New Business

Ill. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously

Student Government Committee Meetings

October 29, 1996

7:15pm-Tate Center

(opened-6:45pm, adjourned 7pm, resumed 7:15pm)

Attendance: Present: Bennett, Bryant, Hines, Howard, Rivers, Young (EI-Jourbagy)/Absent:

1. New Business
A. Chair Announcements
1. National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness Week: distribute flyers and ribbons
2. Homecoming: discussion of future plans at next full senate meeting
3. University Council: working to make all SGA senators University Council