Senatc Mecting
January 7, 1997
7pm-Law School Auditorium
Senate Attendance
Abscrims: nonc
: Abernethy, Bennett, Black, Bryant, Burris, Chalk, Dew, Dixon, Heinzcr, Hines, Homans, Howard, Hudson,
Kautz, Kirk, Newman, Oliver, Parker, Rivers, Smith (A),Smith (B), Waters, Young
Freshman Board Attendance
Ab : Fulks (excused)
Pro Bailey, Battle, El-Jourbagy, Fink, Goodings, Holt-Brasfield, Joiner, Keeney, Ringo, Robinson, Terry, Vasquez,
Wassell, Wrobel
1. invocation
11. Pledge of Allegiance
III, Rell CaR
IV. Open Forum
A. Introduction of Frtshman Board to Senate/Senators to Fresbman Board
V. Officers, Reports
I . Review of projects in progress
B. Vice President
I . Honor Code: Drafts in boxe%; senators should review and return
2. Presidential Search Committee
I Nov. 19 minutes available
2. Committee Meeting an Jan. 14: ineet lower levelof Tate Center prior to committees
3. Freshman Board Advisor
4. Newslefters: distribution of DwJJan issues on Jan. 14
D. Treasurer
I . Budget
2. Web Page
a. freshman board c4miact Doug concerning pictures and background sheets
b. advertising
all senators need to check/respond to e-mail
VT. Committee Reports
A. Internal Affairs
I . Grade Checks/Absence Report
2. University Council: Letter being sent to Dr. Douglas
B. Student
I . Homecoming
2. Student Fee Task Force
C. Academic
I . The Key: Web Site only this year. Researching future hard copies.
2. Fee Allocations
3. Honor Code
VII. New Business
A. Confirmation of Freshman Board: passes unanimously
B. Swcming in of Frcshman Board
VIII, Good of the Order
A. Chfisty Bryant
A. Nfiss UGA Pagcaat-, Sat, Jan. 11, 7pm.
B. Dame Marathon: need SGA representative
X. Motion to Adjourn: passes unanimously