Senatc Mecting
January 7, 1997
7pm-Law School Auditorium
Senate Attendance
Abscrims: nonc
: Abernethy, Bennett, Black, Bryant, Burris, Chalk, Dew, Dixon, Heinzcr, Hines, Homans, Howard, Hudson,
Kautz, Kirk, Newman, Oliver, Parker, Rivers, Smith (A),Smith (B), Waters, Young
Freshman Board Attendance
Ab : Fulks (excused)
Pro Bailey, Battle, El-Jourbagy, Fink, Goodings, Holt-Brasfield, Joiner, Keeney, Ringo, Robinson, Terry, Vasquez,
Wassell, Wrobel

1. invocation
11. Pledge of Allegiance
III, Rell CaR
IV. Open Forum

V. Officers, Reports

a. freshman board c4miact Doug concerning pictures and background sheets
b. advertising
01 all senators need to check/respond to e-mail
VT. Committee Reports

VII. New Business
A. Confirmation of Freshman Board: passes unanimously
B. Swcming in of Frcshman Board
VIII, Good of the Order
A. Chfisty Bryant
TX. Announcements
A. Nfiss UGA Pagcaat-, Sat, Jan. 11, 7pm.
B. Dame Marathon: need SGA representative
X. Motion to Adjourn: passes unanimously