7pm-Tate Center
Absent: Bennett, Hines, Howard, Kautz, Parker
Present: Abernethy, Black, Bryant, Burris, Chalk, Dew, Dixon, Homans, Hudson. Kirk, Newman, Oliver,
Rivers, Smith (A), Smith (B), Waters, Young
1. Invocation
II. Roll Call
III. Officer's Reports
A. President
1. Creation of Ad Hoc Homeconiing Committee: Chair-Kevin Abernethy
a. Vote: Passes unanimously
b. Comments-Kevin Abernethy
B. Secretary
1. Newsletters
2. Committee meeting locations
IV. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously
SGA Committee Meetings
January 14, 1996
7:30pm-Memorial Hall
Internal Affairs
Attendance: Present: Bryant, Burris, Burton, El-Jourbagy, Gumm, Keeney, Rivers, Slowik, Unell,
Wallace, Young / Absent: Bennett, Hines, Howard
I. New Business
A. Freshman Board Amendment-written; passed unanimously
B. Attendance: Review of excuse forms
II. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously
Academic Affairs
Attendance: Present: Bakun, Battle, Bergstedt, Dew, Dixon, Gooding, Heirizer, Hudson, Kirk, Lovelace,
McCreary, Millsap, Oliver, Smith (A), Smith (B), Smith (H), Snipes, Williams, Wrobel
1. New Business
A. Chair Announcements
1. Honor Code
2. The Key
B. Honor Code Resoluttion-passes unanimously
II. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously
Student Life
Attendance: Present: Abernethy, Black, Carroll, Chalk, Graham, Godfrey, Homans, Jackson, Joiner,
Kautz, Ogle, Parker, Platt, Rapp, Ringo, Robinson, Satterfield, Shah, Terry, Wilkins
I. New Business
A. Homecoming
1. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously