Senate Meeting

January 21, 1997

7pm-Demothesian Hall

Absences: Homans, Howard, Hudson/Fulks, Goodings, Holt-Brasfield, Wassell
Present: Abernethy, Bennett, Black, Bryant, Burris, Chalk, Dew, Dixon. Heinzer, Hines, Kautz, Kirk,
Newman, Oliver, Parker, Rivers, Smith (A), Smith (B), Waters, Young/Bailey, Battle, El-Jourbagy, Fink,
Joiner, Keeney, Ringo, Robinson, Terry, Vasquez, Wrobel

I. Invocation
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Guest Speaker-Dr. Joe Beth Allen, Multicultural Curriculum Committee
V. Open Forum
A. Melinda Hudson-Student Advisory Council Conference: Feb.21-24 in Kennesaw
B. Christy Bryant-Historian
VI. Officer's Reports
A. President

1. Web VIL Committee Reports

1. Project-provide dorm residents with student activity listings VIII. New Business
A. Bill 09-02: Honor Code Proposal-passes unanimously
B. Freshman Board Amendment-first reading
C. Elections subcommittee members-approved unanimously
IX Good of the Order
A. Tom Cochran
X. Announcements
A. Doug Black-web editorial in Friday's Red and Black
B. Committee Meetings-next Tuesday, Tate Center Student Activities Offices, 7prn
C. Freshman Board Meeting-Thursday, Tate Center Student Activities Offices, 6pin
XI. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously