Senate Meeting
January 21, 1997
7pm-Demothesian Hall
Absences: Homans, Howard, Hudson/Fulks, Goodings, Holt-Brasfield, Wassell
Present: Abernethy, Bennett, Black, Bryant, Burris, Chalk, Dew, Dixon. Heinzer, Hines, Kautz, Kirk,
Newman, Oliver, Parker, Rivers, Smith (A), Smith (B), Waters, Young/Bailey, Battle, El-Jourbagy, Fink,
Joiner, Keeney, Ringo, Robinson, Terry, Vasquez, Wrobel
I. Invocation
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call
IV. Guest Speaker-Dr. Joe Beth Allen, Multicultural Curriculum Committee
V. Open Forum
A. Melinda Hudson-Student Advisory Council Conference: Feb.21-24 in Kennesaw
B. Christy Bryant-Historian
VI. Officer's Reports
A. President
1. Multicultural curriculum speakers: next senate, Will Davis
B. Vice President
1. Presidential Search Committee
2. Honor Code-letter from Dr. Whitten, Chair, Executive Comm. Of Univ. Council
C. Secretary
1. General Committee Members
a. minutes available by request through office secretary
b. folders at next committee meetings
D. Treasurer
1. Web
VIL Committee Reports
A. Internal Affairs
1. Motion to approve Chris Chalk to chair elections subcommittee-passes unanimously
2. Election subcommittee meeting following senate
3. University Council-proposal to combine council and senate seats
B. Academic Affairs
1. Multiculturalism
2. The Key-Red and Black to nin 5,000 copy test nin
3. Honor Code
C. Student Life
1. Ad Hoc Homecoming Committee
D. Freshman Board
1. Project-provide dorm residents with student activity listings
VIII. New Business
A. Bill 09-02: Honor Code Proposal-passes unanimously
B. Freshman Board Amendment-first reading
C. Elections subcommittee members-approved unanimously
IX Good of the Order
A. Tom Cochran
X. Announcements
A. Doug Black-web editorial in Friday's Red and Black
B. Committee Meetings-next Tuesday, Tate Center Student Activities Offices, 7prn
C. Freshman Board Meeting-Thursday, Tate Center Student Activities Offices, 6pin
XI. Motion to Adjourn-passes unanimously