I. Officers' Reports
A. President
1. Extending Library Hours
2. Anyone that will be in Athens for the summer should try to help
out with various projects
B. Vice President
1. Thanks to Dr. Daugherty for dinner
2. Thanks to Red & Black and Mark Niesse for coverage
C. Secretary-- No Report
D. Treasurer -- No Report
E. Involvement Chair -- No report
F. Guest Speaker Liaison -- No Report
G. Executive Director
1. Lighting Tour detected problems and will be worked on according
to priority (high to low)
II. Committee Reports
A. Academic Affairs
1. Granted permission to speak at orientation
2. Priority issue for fall will be teacher evaluations on web
3. Technology issue will be a project for the fall
B. Internal Affairs
1. Working on message center
2. We have empty seats on senate.
C. Student Life -- No Report
D. External Affairs
1. Hoofnagle is out presenting resolution 11-01 to the Athens Clarke
County Commission
2. For fall project, we will give a best and worst land lord award
III. New Business
A. Freshman Board Proposal
1. Will need to add an Ad Hoc committee in order to be constitutional
2. Discussion
B. Library Resolution
1. Reading of resolution
2. Discussion
A. Library was open till 2 a.m. in past years
B. Make it a trial period
C. Friendly amendment accepted Aremain open until 2 a.m.@
D. Resolution passed
C. Georgia Athletic Association Board of Governors Approval
1. Recommendation
a. Rabun Wiley
b. Heath Moody
c. Rick Engleberg
2. Recommendation accepted
IV. Announcements
A. Send in surveys that were mailed to you about the Tate Center
B. First committee meeting is 8/25/98 in Tate
C. Retreat will be 9/25 - 9/26/98
D. See Malika if you miss roll call
V. Good of the Order
A. Wonderful Year - Malika Terry
B. We (SGA) did well in Habitat for Humanity Auction.
Senate Minutes
September 8, 1998
I. Officer Reports
A. President
1. Working on Bylaws concerning Freshman Board
2. Worked on Escort Van Resolution
3. Student Fee Allocation Committee with more student involvement and
B. Vice President
1. Welcome Back
2. Working on Honor Code
3. Working on Student run bookstore
4. Please see me (Steve) during office hours if you have any questions.
C. Secretary
1. See Malika if you do not want your phone number published on the
2. Please update your address & phone numbers ASAP
D. Treasurer
No Report
II. Committee Reports
A. Academic Affairs (AA)
1. New members, therefore AA had an informational meeting
B. Internal Affairs (IA)
1. Looking into a few constitutional changes
2. Sign up for office hours
3. Need to take pictures for the web
C. Student Life (SL)
1. Worked on two resolutions
- escort van
D. External Affairs (EA)
1. Volunteers for voter registration
2. Looking into problems within Athens/Clarke County
a. Parking
b. Underage drinking
c. Bookstore -- overpricing
III. New Business
A. Proposal to amend bylaws
1. Reading of proposal
2. Passed
B. Resolution 11-04
1. Reading of proposal
2. Passed
C. Resolution 11-05
1. Reading of proposal
2. Friendly amendment Anominated and elected by SGA@
3. Passed
IV. Good of the Order
A. Jehan --Good way to pull in power & votes in SGA
V. Announcements
A. President --Will take resolution 11-05 to fee allocation
B. Matt Almand --Working on newsletter
C. Amy --Retreat -- September 26, from
9- 4
D. Jeff Waters --Take pictures after Senate
E. Secretary -- Executive committee please stay after
VI. Adjournment (8:03 p.m.)
Senate Meeting Minutes
September 29, 1998
I. Officer Reports
A. President
1. Still working on Escort Van Issues
2. Still working on Teacher evaluations
3. SEC Retreat was great; UGA will host SEC Retreat next year
4. Met with officials about football ticket situation -currently working
on solutions
B. Vice President
1. October 12, we need volunteers to help judge homecoming street painting
2. November 11 at 5:00 in President=s conference room; SGA senators
have been invited to hear a presentation about the AMaster
C. Secretary -- No report
D. Treasurer
1. We are 1 of 2 SGA=s in the SEC that are not paid for positions --
will into possible pay/stipend for SGA elected body
E. Involvement Chair -- No report
F. Guest Speaker Liaision
1. Be there on November 11 at 5:00 p.m.
2. Spoke with Dr. Hollbrooke about speaking at next senate -- she will
get back with us
G. Executive Director of the Cabinet -- No Report
II. Committee Reports
A. Academic Affairs
1. Committee is broken down into sub committees
2. Academic Affairs and diploma specification is on next agenda at
University Council Academic Affairs Committee meeting
3. Library hours extention -- 1 of 3 schools in SEC without extended
library hours.
B. Internal Affairs
1. Will put correct office hours on the web page - please make sure
that your hours on the office door are correct
2. New freshman board members were selected, they will be at next weeks
3. Message center surveys are going out
4. Web page is being updated
C. Student Affairs
1. Lighting tour resolution tonight
D. External Affairs
1. Thursday, October 1, 5:30 p.m. voter registration drive starting
at Players club -- voters need to be registered by October
2. External Affairs now has a list-serve
III. New Business
A. Approval of GAPAC sponsorship
1. They provide information to congressmen on senators
2. Motion denied to suspend the rules for a decision to support GAPAC
B. Lighting survey
1. Friendly amendments accepted
a. Replace all occurances of Aburned out@ with Anon-functioning@
b. Replace all occurances of AReid Hall@ with AReed Hall@
c. Under middle priority actions replace Blocking with blocking
d. Insert Aor repaired@ in the last sentence of the resolution behind
2. Resolution adopted
IV. Announcements
A. Stacey Godfrey -- met with Alan Barbara about escort van situation
1. He will make sure that improvements to system are made
2. Possible walking escorts
B. Amy Badal -- reminder to SGA senators about the retreat on Tuesday,
10/6, casual attire, arrive no later than 6:15pm for dinner
C. W. Bennett -- looking at putting in bicycle racks at various buildings
D. Malika Terry -- Executive board, please check e-mail
E. Brett Newman -- Monday, 10/12/98, UGA is hosting Better Relations
Day for Florida -- anyone interested, please see Brett
F. Habitat for humanity -- SGA could help with fundraiser for first
student sponsored house.
October 6, 1998
Informal Senate at Dr. Johnson=s House
Absences: McCormick, Stevens, Wood
I. AIPAC (American Israeli Political Actions Committee)
A. Motion Passed to suspend rules to debate and vote on AIPAC Sponsorship
B. Motion passed to vote
C. Unanimously passed for the Student Government Association of the
University of
Georgia to sponsor the AIPAC convention on Nov. 7 - 8, 1998
II. Adjourn
Absences: Baxter, Johnson, Smith, Wood, Gravesen
I. Swearing in of New Members
A. Graduate Senators
1. Paul Yacisin
2. Benjamin Salt
B. Freshman Board Members
II. Open Forum
A. AIPAC Representative -- Thanks for sponsorship of AIPAC Conference
Nov. 7 & 8 at Emory University
B. BAC representative - present and will be attending various meetings
as a liaison
III. Officer Reports
A. President
1. Working with ticket committee for new ideas for football season
2. On 10/21 @ 2:30 pm, meeting with Dr. Dyre to talk about teacher
3. Very proud of Freshman Board for having a resolution before being
sworn in. (Congratulations)
4. Thanks to AIPAC for being involved with our voter registration drive
5. Vote of confidence will occur this year (Article 13 of constitution)
B. Vice President
1. Welcome Freshman Board
C. Executive Director of Cabinet
1. Went to rally about Amendment 1 on Nov. 3 elections ballot -- would
like SGA to support it.
D. Secretary
1. Check boxes and take anonymous survey about SGA and its members
E. Treasurer -- No report
F. Guest Speaker Liaison -- No report
G. Involvement Chair
1. Check office for blood drive information -- be a donor or volunteer
on November 3 from 12 - 6 in Georgia Hall
IV. Committee Report
A. Academic Affairs
1. Meet with Dr. Holbrook and talked about major issues that Academic
Affairs committee is working on --she encouraged more research and
supported our ideas.
2. Now working with a strong full committee thanks to the help of the
Freshman Board Members
B. Internal Affairs
1. One hour a week office hours required for Freshman Board members
-- sign up this week in the office.
2. Two hours a week office hours for senators -- new senators please
sign up in the office.
C. External Affairs
1. Traffic Accident last week was at an intersection that (Chris Hoofnagle)
has written several letters to the President, ACC police, UGA police, etc.
--We need greater action, have your parents and others write.
2. RA=s are required by contract to be on campus 3 weekends out of
the month-- please talk with the Community Residence
Life Coordinator if your RA is not in the dorm.
D. Student Life
1. Thanks to Freshman Board for joining the Student Life Committee
2. Resolution 11-07 will be read tonight concerning the meal plan
3. Bennett is still accepting ideas for the placement of bicycle racks
on campus.
V. New Business
A. Meal Hall Resolution 11-07
1. Friendly amendment accepted
2. Dr. Johnson -- send a copy to George Stafford
3. Resolution 11-07 adopted unanimously
B. Appointment of Freshman Board Advisors
1. Heath Moody and Tiffany Smith
2. Stacey Godfrey -- would like to see Christy Shenefield as a third
advisor or replace advisor
3. Bennett -- would like to see president accept nominations from the
4. Appointment for Freshman Board Advisors WERE NOT adopted
VI. Announcments
A. Stacey Godfrey -- sent letters to residence halls to have SGA representative
come out and talk
1. Tuesday 10/27, representatives are needed to talk at Reed Hall
B. John McCormick -- Thursday 10/22 Ag Hill Council is sponsoring a
Fish Fry
VIII. Adjournment
Senate Minutes
November 10, 1998
Absent: Bennett, Gooding, Pittenger
I. Open Forum
A. Dr. Johnson -- Dr. Adams 11/12/98 at 4:00 pm in Bulldog Cafe
B. RHA liaisons present
II. Officer Reports
A. President
1. Crosswalk resolution to be presented tonight
2. Freshman Board Advisors appointees
a. The decision to re-appoint Moody & Smith was made through the
support of the executive board.
3. Master Plan presentation tomorrow 11/11 at 5:00 pm in President=s
conference room
B. Vice President - - No Report
C. Secretary
1. Surveys are available
2. Help to keep the office clean
D. Treasurer
1. Student Fee Allocations Review Committee
a. Looking at the possibility of a decrease, increase, or maintaining
the level of student fees
b. 5 SGA members needed to sit on committee to help present
recommendations to
c. Committee will meet on November 30 - December 3; December 7
from 2:30 - 5:30 (each day) you must be available for the entire
E. Involvement Chair
1. Thanks for your help with the Blood Drive
2. December 9, Habitat for Humanity will have a holiday
F. Guest Speaker Liaison
1. Meeting with President Adams at 5:00 pm in President=s conference
2. Dr. Holbrook will be here at the December 1 meeting
3. Louise McBee will be at Committees on 11/17/98
4. Working with Freshman Board for SGA SEC Conference
G. Executive Director of the Cabinet -- No Report
III. New Business
A. Cross walk resolution (11-08)
1. Friendly amendment accepted
2. Resolution accepted
B. Appointment of Freshman Board advisors
1. Appointment accepted by Senate vote
2. Motion to suspend the rules to add to Freshman Board constitution
under Article V, Section A.
a. After the 2 nominees that are appointed by the executive
committee the Senate has the option to nominate a 3rd advisor,
C. Resolution 11-09
1. Motion to suspend the rules to consider resolution 11-09 PASSED
2. Friendly amendments accepted
3. Resolution 11-09 accepted
IV. Committee Reports
A. Academic Affairs
1. Cathy Lee is working with Math department with evaluations of math
2. At University Council=s Education Affairs Committee meeting they
will bring up issues dealing with Academic Affairs Committee
a. Teacher evaluations
b. Majors on diplomas
c. Honor code
d. Fall break
B. External Affairs
1. You can nominate your TA at 542-1355 for the excellence in teaching
2. Letter to the editor in Athens Banner Herald (11/9/98) stated that
Freshman & Sophomores should not have cars on campus
3. Tenure promotions are determined 30% by teacher evaluations --take
evaluations seriously talk about teacher effectiveness and creativity on
the evaluations.
4. Taxi cab complaints
a. Charge more when on dates
b. Not operating 24hrs a day--if no answer at cab co. Call Sgt. Hall
to file a report at 613-3330 ext. 260
c. Cab companies are required to display a fee schedule -- make sure
they are doing this.
C. Internal Affairs
1. Elections will be Feb. 24 - 25 and referendums will be on ballot
2. Looking into updating the constitution
a. Quarter --->>> semester changes
b. President=s council updates
c. Addition of
d. Web page is in desperate need of updating -- if you have
any suggestions, please see Jeff
D. Student Life
1. Gathering information on call boxes and placement on campus
2. Looking at meal plan hours extension with dining halls
3. All actions on resolution 11-06 were taken care of by the physical
a. If any more things need to be taken care of please see Jeff Baxter
b. Thanks to all of those that helped
V. Good of the Order
A. Carnegie -- could there please be a copy of the resolution provided
to everyone before the resolution is presented --suspending
the rules is not a good practice
B. Godfrey -- sorry about suspending the rules, but the issue
needed to be addressed
C. Waters--second Staceys comment thanks for RHA & BAC liaisons
for being here
VI. Announcements
A. LRT is having a leader transition workshop at 12:10
B. Moody -- SGA reps were on 90.5FM talking about hot topics dealing
with SGA
C. Johnson-- ??? is having a carnival November 20 from 5:30 - 8:00
D. Newman -- keep Bennet in thoughts and prayers because he is having
VII. Adjournment
Senate Meeting
December 1, 1998
I. Absences: Bennett, Johnson, Salt, Shenefield, Temple, Carnegie, Littlejohn
II. Open Forum
A. Dr. Holbrook -- VP of Academic Affairs/Provost
1. Day to Day Management of campus and overseas everything except
athletic department and financial affairs
2. Re-inventing the undergraduate education
III. New Business
A. Honor Code Resolution
1. Dr. Boehmer=s presentation about the revised ACulture of Honesty@
a. The Academic Honesty Task Force was comprised of students,
(some SGA) faculty, and administrators -- this is a proposal from
the University Community and is not something that will be
imposed on students
b. Two features
1. Educational plan
2. Ways to handle academic dishonesty
c. Focus is on promoting integrity
2. Reading of amendment 11-01
3. Resolution 11-10 passed
IV. Officer Reports
A. President
1. Master Plan Presentation report at the Student Life Committee Meeting
on 12/8
B. Vice President
1. Thanks to Dr. Holbrook
2. Congratulations to Senate for passing resolution 11-10 -- any questions
for the task force please see Steve by Wednesday
C. Secretary
1. Habitat for Humanity/SGA Semiformal
2. Working on Holmes/Hunter resolution to present at University Council
3. First meeting of the spring semester is 1/12/99 -- committee
4. Support Miss UGA pageant on 1/9/99 at the Classic Center
D. Treasurer
1. Half way through Student Activities review committee
E. Involvement Chair
1. Habitat Semiformal December 9
$5.00 at Athens Brewing Co.
F. Guest Speaker Liaison
1. Thanks Dr. Holbrook
2. Next week at committee (12/8) Louise McBee will be there
3. Meeting with Dr. Johnson at 4:00 on 12/8 to discuss next years SEC
V. Committee Reports
A. External Affairs
1. Commuter rail more a possibility
2. Next semester External Affairs will do a program for the student
body about Athens-Clarke County government
B. Academic Affairs
1. Educational Affairs committee yesterday with University Council
-- will try to get on agenda next semester
2. Library is now open for 24 hours
3. Need volunteers to go to the library after 12 pm to do surveys
4. Book Swap -- please advertise
C. Internal Affairs
1. Working on election dates and spending increases
D. Student Life
1. Master plan presentation next week in committees
VI. Good of the Order
A. Stevens -- please make sure we get a copy of policies before Senate,
we shouldn=t vote on good faith
VII. Announcements
A. Badal -- Chancellor Porch will be here December 9th at 10:15 - 10:45
please sign up with Amy or Dr. Johnson
B. Vander Gheynst -- Community project is adopting a family.
Please make donation -- money, food, blankets, towels,
wrapping paper, etc. Have all donation by 12/8 or money
by 12/4
C. Moody -- Freshman Forum, Room 138 at 7:00 pm on Thursday
Senate Meeting
January 26, 1999
Absent: Gooding, Johnson, McCormick, Shenefield, Stevens, Temple, Mahmud,
Vander Gheynst
I. Open Forum
A. Phi Kappa Literary Society Member:
1. Welcome to Phi Kappa Hall
2. Thursday at 7:00 p.m. -- Mock Impeachment Trial and SGA is welcome
to attend.
3. Phi Kappa is interested in having a President/Vice President debate
with emphasis on the Vice President.
II. Officer Reports
A. President
1. Welcome to all the new faces
2. Teacher evaluations
a. Bob Taylor is looking into getting summaries of evaluations
B. Vice President
1. Reminder -- Honor code proposal is going to University Council on
2/25 at 3:30 p.m. in the Law School Auditorium.
2. Common Enemy
C. Secretary
1. Pick up your copies of flyers for elections by Friday (1/29/99)
2. I need a hard and disk copy of all resolutions (especially 11-06,
11-12, 11-13)
3. Student Advisory Council conference is 1/29 - 1/31; if interested
in attending , please see Jeff Waters or myself.
D. Treasurer
1. SARC-- wrapped up hearings and will be finalizing the resolution
on Tuesday - look at the resolution and direct all questions
to Greg.
E. Guest Speaker Liaison -- no report
F. Involvement Chair -- no report
III. Committee Reports
A. Academic Affairs
1. Office of the Registrar has verbally agreed to fall break for 2000.
2. Extended library hours -- another trial period
3. Diploma Major Specifications --student opinions now being surveyed
4. Working on various other projects.
B. Internal Affairs
1. If you are running for an office please sign the sign-in sheet
2. Student Advisory Council Conference is this weekend.
C. External Affairs
1. Common Enemy Presentation is Wed, 1/27/99 at 7:00 p.m. in Law School
2. Stay focused at the end of your term
D. Student Affairs
1. Holly Sharpe met with Mr. Floyd
2. Lauren Pittenger met about Milledge Buss Route -- it is now running
3. Lighting tour was done.
4. Escort van is still being worked on
IV. New Business
A. Resolution 11-13
1. Presentation by Yacisin
2. Motion to vote on 11-13 Resolution adopted unanimously
B. Josiah Meigs & Richard B. Russell Committee
1. Meigs search committee
a. Rabun Wiley
b. Chris Hoofnagle
2. Russell Search Committee
a. Chris Hoofnagle
C. Election Sub-committee adopted
1. W. Bennett 6. J. Wells
2. C. Land 7. C. Lyons
3. C. Shenefield 8. Wright
4. R. Wood 9. I. Asman
5. A. Acree 10. S. Vander Gheynst
V. Announcements
A. Tiffany Smith
1. Cross walk
B. Brett Newman
1. Pick up advertisements
2. SAC Conference
3. Common Enemy presentation
C. Malika Terry
1. Congratulations to Daniel Carnegie for a great performance in Mr.
2. All candidates sign the role