Student Government Association
Dear Law School Student,

Just wanted to update you on Student Government’s efforts to improve the University experience.
· Honor Court: SBA officers and other student leaders defended the composition of our student-run honor court last week.  
· Parking: Applications are due for the new North Campus Parking Deck on 10 February.  Applications are available in the student mailroom and in the library.  This deck will hold 1,200 cars at a cost of $8.5 million.  Also, the Herty Field parking lot (the one you use at night) probably will be destroyed this Summer to create more green space on North Campus.  
· Lighting on North Campus: Our SGA friends from environmental design led a lighting survey during Fall Semester, and had new fixtures installed all over the campus.  The new North Campus light fixtures are brighter and emit whiter light than the old fixtures.
· Library hours: During finals, the Main Library operated the study lounge 24-hours a day.  The surveys taken from late-night users showed strong support for a continuation of the 24-hour policy.   Now, the Main Library is planning a trial period where the entire building will be open until 2 AM.    
· Local government matters are not going well.  The County Commission continues to take positions adverse to the student body whenever possible.  Most recently, the Commission voted to close all the late-night dance clubs at 2:45, starting on New Year’s Eve.  For those of us who like to shake it, that’s bad news.  I’ve heard from the grapevine that two bars will sue the County to block the closure.
· Career services has benefited greatly from the addition of Michele Greenwald, our new graduate advisor. She has reorganized, repainted, and carpeted the career services resource room.  In addition to possessing remodeling skills, she is an excellent listener and advisor.  Stop in and see her.
· SGA has several other projects in University Council:  We are trying to pass a Fall Break that will start in Fall 2000.  This Fall break may coincide with the Georgia-Florida game weekend.  We’re also working on the final passage of an improved honor code for the undergraduates.  
· Teaching evaluations on the web: SGA will post the statistical data from student teaching evaluations of faculty on the web this year.  Data from all colleges and schools will be posted.
· We’re working on several projects to increase student involvement.  My next project is to gain a seat on the Law School Faculty Council.  In other schools and colleges at the University, the Faculty Councils have student representation.  Ours does not.  If student government is successful in gaining a seat, we’re going to need a student to keep that seat warm.  Interested?  Email me.
· If you would like to be updated or participate in student leadership issues in the law school, please send me your email address.  SBA President Michael Sullivan will email you when the issues arise.
If there are any issues you would like us to work on, or if you would like more information on any aspect of the University at-large, please contact me.


Chris Hoofnagle
SGA-Law School Senator